This room follows the tale of Arsène Lupin – you may have watched the series on Netflix or read the books published in 1905. If you haven’t, you should – it’s a great collection of stories. This room does the franchise proud!
We’ve done our fair share of prison break escape rooms and they usually follow the same sequence – break out of your cell by reading the code under the bench, pass the key to your partner, “hack the computer” using a code written on the walls. Am I wrong? Well, you’ll be challenged a bit more than that. The room designers at beXcaper enjoy coming up with crazy puzzles for you to solve and you’ll exercise a variety of brain-muscles.
The immersion is quite good in this room and everything is quite well built. There are a couple of areas that could be touched up and we’ve recommended adding ambient sounds to the room to complete the ambience.
You’ll progress fairly logically through the room. There is enough for four people to do in this room but I imagine you’ll finish it quite quickly with that many people since we completed it as a duo. If you’re a less experienced group, four may be the right number of players for you.
Alcala de Henares is a brilliant town outside of Madrid and accessible by train. You can easily walk from the bus or commuter train stop to beXcaper. If you’re going to head there, this is the room to do before visiting the home of Miguel de Cervantes and having a pint on Calle Mayor. Hit that book now button!