8.3 / 10 Our Score
It's 1925, the height of the prohibition. Looking for somewhere to get a not-so-legal drink, you happen upon Nucky Johnson's newest speakeasy. His crony gives you a clue to get in but there's a catch. The secret bar is reserved for only those smart enough to find the entrance. Do you have what it takes to get in and to get out alive?
Theme Consistency8
Story & Puzzle Quality10
Environment & Ambience8
Bonus Items7

Escape Manor has done it again. Prohibited is their newest room at their Hamilton location and the attention to detail in this build is excellent. But before getting to the room, I have to praise their staff. Off all the locations we’ve been to in Ontario, their staff are the most enthusiastic and the best storytellers of the lot. Other escape locations take note! From making you feel welcome, to solid introductions to the room, to wrap ups after completion, they’re the best. Plus they have great food, and great drinks. Honestly, you can read the rest of the review but you should just hit the Book Now button right away.

I don’t want to give away too much so let’s just say that you’re going to be saying “wow that’s so cool” before you even get to the door. Escape Manor has a way of applying incredibly nice touches to the way they introduce their rooms. Their focus on immersion pays off as you lose yourself in the room, as mentioned, even before you’re actually in the room. The build is excellent and has some nice surprises. They fit an incredible amount in a small space. It’s the nice touches like a video display hidden behind a window that most venues don’t bother with but Escape Manor knows makes a big difference.

The room is quite dark though it may have been extra dark because of their Halloween event. But the lighting is well placed and you’re given flashlights (you are sneaking in, after all). Everything works well, the puzzles are logical and straightforward but there is some simple math (which entirely messed us up). There was on minor repair needed but out of play objects are minimal and in general everything is in great shape. I also broke a glass wine bottle. Most venues would use plastic bottles but Escape Manor knows that a real bottle makes for a better experience despite the risks of oafs like me breaking stuff.

Finishing touches that would be nice to see would be some smoke, or a particular area of the room chilled, or a live actor. There was some noise from adjacent spaces. But all in all, another great room in a great venue. Scroll back to the top and hit that Book Now button!